Engaging presentations for teens 6th through 12th grade.



I have an enlightening, engaging, and personal story to tell. I traversed the internet for a decade posing online as a teen. It effected me personally in profound ways. My experience provides me with a unique perspective. My mission and my passion is to educate and empower others by sharing what I have learned. There are many speakers who talk about the internet, but my heart tells me that my story, my expertise, and my presentrations are unique and powerful.


I love having the opportunity to visit schools across this great country.

Teens are immersed in a digital world filled with risks, pressures, stress and at times daunting choices. As a school administrator, you know all of this first hand.  You know the impact that the internet is having on your community, your educators, your parents and most of all – your students.

My passion is to help you, help them. They need relevant and timely information to empower them to make safe and healthy choices online.

My presentations are primarily targeted to students in 6th through 12th grade (we can discuss presenting to your 4th and 5th graders).

The majority of school districts book a FULL DAY OF EMPOWERMENT!  When booked, I am yours for the day! A FULL DAY OF EMPOWERMENT includes:

  • DIGITAL EMPOWERMENT FOR STUDENTS: (2) 1-hour student presentations for 6th through 12th grade students. Your school can determine the grade breakdown per session though typically one presentation is for Middle School students and one for High School students.
  • (1) EMPOWER HOUR: You are welcome to schedule a 1-hour session to allow me to meet and engage in a round table discussion with a small group of selected students or staff. This is a great opportunity to have an informal question and answer session.
  • DIGITAL EMPOWERMENT FOR PARENTS: (1) 2-hour Digital Empowerment for Parents presentation (no students). The parent event is an information rich and engaging presentation that leaves parents educated and ready for the next step.
  • SECONDARY MEETINGS/DISCUSSIONS: Since I am booked to assist you for the full day, I am always open to small, impromptu discussions with Administrators, Counselors, Educators, or even School Resource Officers.


Typically, the very first question that I receive is, “How much does it cost?”  I want to be upfront and transparent because I know that if you are considering booking the Digital Empowerment Project you want as much information as soon as possible.

I understand your budget constraints. I work really hard at not letting cost be the reason a client is not able to bring the Digital Empowerment Project to their school, church, business or event.

My fee for a FULL-DAY OF EMPOWERMENT is $2,000-$3,000 (depending on student population). Clients are responsible for my travel costs, but I make every effort in keeping those costs to a minuimum.  Many clients will pool with other clients to book consecutive days, so they get to “split” the travel costs.

I encourage you to contact me to request more information about the speaking fees.


Relevant presentations for parents and trusted adults.



Understanding and Empathetic

Captain Frank spoke candidly to our students and parents. He was informative, kind, tough, understanding, empathetic, and blunt all at the same time. He sparked conversations at home and at school that have changed our students. I HIGHLY recommend Capain Frank to come speak at your school!

Jen Arbogast - Hopewell-Loudon Schools


It was an amazing seminar! My husband and I are pretty tech savvy but I still learned a lot! There was things I didn’t know and after listening about everything you talked about I feel like my eyes are more open. I feel like this seminar should be mandatory for all parents and kids. It was such an amazing,very well given and extremely Informative seminar. I appreciate and thank you for all that you do. A true superhero.

T Keaton - Parent

STRONGLY Recommend

Our school brought Captain Frank in to speak to our students and parents during separate sessions. Given today’s use of technology and social media by our kids, I STRONGLY recommend attending his parent presentation. He is incredibly impactful, has a wealth of experience, and provides insightful information that we can all use in our daily lives with our kids. Trust me, this is not a presentation you want to miss!

April Evearitt McNamara - Counselor Washington Local Schools

Engaging and Amazing!

Scott was nothing less than informative, engaging and amazing.

I was able to be part of the parent presentation in the evening. Did not realize it was two hours and when Scott said that I inwardly cringed. But then he shared his story, and I could not look away. Parts of his presentation were like a bad accident, you want to look away but can’t. Then you want to know the ending. Although his truths scared me, he provided information, techniques and tools that helped parents realize that they can talk with their kids about making good digital decisions.

Scott does not speak to just schools; he can come into your workplace and share his experience and techniques with your teams. We need to work together, as a village, to teach kids how to be smart on the web. DEP is current, relevant, inspiring and engaging and worth two hours to keep our kids safe for a lifetime.

Kate LeFevre - Review on LinkedIn

Every parent….

Every parent of any age child needs to attend this presentation. Scott says the hard things that we as parents need to hear in order to be better at parenting when it comes to technology. He gives it to you straight from his own experiences and of those he’s known over the years. It is evident that he is passionate about the well-being of children and families. If you are handing your child a device, you need educate yourself on it. His presentation is a great fist step. His information is current and relevant to today’s time.

Kristy Yes - Parent

Expected a lecture…..

I’m afraid our students expected a lecture on internet safety, however Scott’s approach engaged kids. After the presentation, a parent with two children shared that they “learned more than they thought they might… and they were both surprised at how ‘unsafe’ they may be.” This would be equally true for Scott’s presentation to parents and guardians. While there was a lot of information, he provided ways we can effectively work with our kids to empower them in their digital lives.

Jay Clark - Superintendent